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Tell Congress: No Recess for Gaza

While Members of Congress are on recess, children in Gaza haven’t had a break for ten months. They face constant bombardment, fueled by US weapons approved by Congress.

Gaza’s children have nowhere safe to go. Since the war began, Israeli attacks have killed over 16,000 children in Gaza, destroyed schools and hospitals, and blocked humanitarian access while almost half a million Gazans face catastrophic levels of food insecurity. Thousands of children are orphaned, with children losing entire families with such frequency that doctors have created a new acronym unique to Gaza: “WCNSF – Wounded Child, No Surviving Family.”

This status quo is unbearable and unacceptable. And it doesn’t have to be this way. Congress could stop arming Israel tomorrow if they so choose. It’s up to us to make them.

Call your member of Congress today and tell them there’s #NoRecessForGaza: Congress needs to step up and take action to stop sending weapons to Israel and push for an immediate ceasefire.

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Your call script:

Call the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to demand your elected representatives ensure accountability for US arms sales:

My name is _____ and I am a constituent from ______. I’m calling about US arms transfers to Israel.

While Congress is on recess, children in Gaza haven’t had a break from violence, displacement, and hunger in ten months. It’s unacceptable that children in Gaza face constant bombardment by Israel using US weapons. US law and the Biden administration’s own policy require the United States to immediately halt transfers of bombs, artillery shells, tank shells, and other weapons to Israel.

Congress needs to step up and take action to stop sending weapons to Israel and push for an immediate ceasefire. 

Please ask Senator/Representative _______ to publicly speak out against US weapons sales to Israel.

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