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Tell Congress: Vote to Suspend Arms Sales to Israel

Senators Sanders, Welch, and Merkley have introduced joint resolutions of disapproval to block several major arms sales to Israel. That includes sales of joint direct attack munitions (JDAMs) and 120mm tank shells, both of which the Israeli military has repeatedly used in attacks that have killed civilians. The risk of the Israeli government using these weapons to commit war crimes is too high for the sales to go forward.

In the last eleven months, the Israeli military has killed tens of thousands of Palestinians through a campaign that even President Biden has called “indiscriminate.” Thousands more are dying from starvation and disease caused by Israeli government restrictions on humanitarian aid and attacks on vital medical, water, and sanitation infrastructure.

The United States has provided or financed tens of thousands of lethal weapons used in this military campaign – from air-to-ground munitions to tank and mortar shells. In light of these consistent violations of international and U.S. law and policy the Biden administration must suspend arms transfers. Yet the administration has neglected to do so at several key moments. As ProPublica reporting recently revealed, Secretary of State Blinken rejected assessments from USAID and the State Department’s humanitarian aid bureau that the Israeli government was in violation of Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act. Instead, he chose to inform Congress in May that the Israeli government was not “prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance.”

If the Biden administration fails to uphold the law, then Congress must block these sales of weapons to the Israeli government.

Call your member of Congress today and tell them #NoWeaponsForWarCrimes: Congress needs to step up and take action to stop sending weapons to Israel and push for an immediate ceasefire.

Learn More

Upcoming Joint Resolutions of Disapproval and Civilian Harm Risks from Related Arms Sales to Israel

Factsheet: Israeli Forces’ Misuse of Guided Bomb Units

Factsheet: Israeli forces’ misuse of 120mm and 155mm artillery

Take Action With Our Partners
American Friends Service Committee

Amnesty International USA

Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee

Friends Committee on National Legislation

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

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Your call script:

Call the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to demand your elected representatives ensure accountability for US arms sales:

My name is _____ and I am a constituent from ______. I’m calling to urge Senator _____ to support Senators Sanders, Welch, and Merkley’s joint resolutions of disapproval to suspend arms sales to Israel.

Human rights organization have shown that Israeli forces have repeatedly used these weapons to kill civilians and violate international law. These sales must not go forward. Sending more arms to Israel is against US and international law. Congress needs to uphold US law by blocking these arms sales.

The United States must not be complicit in the deaths of so many Palestinian civilians.

Please ask Senator _______ to cosponsor and vote for S.J.Res.111 through S.J.Res.116.

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