The United States is by far the world’s leading seller of weapons, selling more than the next six nations combined.
It’s too easy for US weapons to fuel violence, corruption, and abuse abroad. Learn more below about why the US sells so many weapons, where these weapons are going, and what you can do to demand a more accountable US arms trade.
Why does the United States sell so many weapons?

CATO: Arms Sales Handbook for Policymakers

Inkstick Media: Of Militias and Mercedes-Benzes

Project on Middle East Democracy: Back to Business as Usual

Quincy Institute: Promoting Stability or Fueling Conflict? The Impact of US Arms Sales on National and Global Security

CIVIC & Stimson Center: ‘With Great Power’: Modifying US Arms Sales to Reduce Civilian Harm

Tom Dispatch: How the Arms Industry Scams the Taxpayer

Just Security: The “Leahy Law” Prohibiting US Assistance to Human Rights Abusers: Pulling Back the Curtain

Stimson Center: "If we don't sell them arms someone else will" is a myth
Where are these weapons going?

Security Assistance Monitor: Mapping US Security Cooperation

Council on Foreign Relations: The Cost of the Arms Trade

Forum on the Arms Trade: Major Arms Sales Tracker

Amnesty International: US-Made Munitions Killed 43 Civilians in Two Israeli Airstrikes in Gaza

Mwatana: Day of Judgement - The Role of the US & Europe in Civilians Death, Destruction, and Trauma in Yemen

CNN: US Arms Sold to Saudi Arabia & UAE End Up in Wrong Hands

Civilian Protection Podcast: Made in the USA: Arms Sales and Civilian Harm

Biden is Selling Weapons to the Majority of the World's Autocracies

CATO Institute: Arms Sales Risk Index
What reforms are needed?

CIVIC & Stimson: Legislative Reform Agenda for US Arms Transfers

Demand Progress: Flipping the Script on US Arms Sales

Letter from 20 NGOs Expresses Support for the SAFEGUARD Act

Lawfare: Unpacking Biden's Conventional Arms Transfer Policy

CIVIC, Stimson Center & Center for International Policy: Demystifying End-Use Monitoring in U.S. Arms Exports

CIVIC: How Can US Congress Use Section 502B

Guardian: ‘Different rules’: Special Policies Keep US Supplying Weapons to Israel Despite Alleged Abuses

CIVIC and Oxfam America: Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act

Humanitarian and Human Rights Organisations Call to Stop Arms Transfers to Israel, Palestinian Armed Groups

Arms Control Today: Can Biden’s New Arms Transfer Policy Be More Than an Empty Promise?

Stimson Tracker: Child Soldiers Prevention Act Implementation Tracker